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Bucket list app


An interface design of an imaginary app concept.

Client / Company in co-operation


My role

I was in sole charge of the project.

About project

I needed a project to study Adobe XD and UX and UI design. I brainstormed some ideas from which I ended up choosing was bucket list app where the user would be able to list things that they'd like to do/achieve in their life.

I imagined the main target group might be 15-40 year old social media (especially Instagram) users who like traveling, to experience a lot and to share their achievements and dreams. I conducted a little survey from my friends to validate my idea and they thought it sounded fun, so I went ahead with it.

After creating my target group and the initial idea for the app, I made specifications requirement by listing what features the target group might want and what are the main functionalities of the app. I pruned off some functionalities that felt non-essential to keep but left the ones that might bring added value for the user (like the image creation and sharing). Then I did a small competitor scouting to see what was out there.

I started the design process with the logo design and used it to base the feel and the colour swatch of the product on. The idea was to build "a portfolio sized design" so nothing too extensive.

What I learned

The functionalities of the prototype are mainly there for me to get to know the different functions and features of Adobe XD. For example I learned that you can't add all the micro actions that you might want. Like in the add view you can't change the category or animate the opacity slider in the share view if you want to keep the back buttons functional. So, this prototype does not convey any real prototyping means. If this prototype was to be used for testing, the functionalities would have to be changed according to a testing plan.


Icons that are not made by me are from: Material design

Project Gallery

© 2022 Elisa Pyykkönen

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